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VORBRENNER is a contemporary art platform that promotes process-oriented work across all disciplines and genres. It offers short-term opportunities for collaboration for both collectives and individual artists in search of new insights and contemporary forms of expression that engage with an interdisziplinary concept of art and science. The focus is on a movement that is curious, experimental, researching, and developing, that welcomes the unfinished, the paradoxical, and the fragmentary. For exploratory trials of such nature, VORBRENNER provides the BRUX premises along with infrastructure and financial resources.

"I am outside of it in the land of NOPE."
E. Jane


The Permanently Temporary_edible

Matthew Tam, Viki Sandor
BRUX / Freies Theater Innsbruck

In order to keep the amount of produced energy constant, we need new adaptive systems which can react to the changing settings of energy resources. Food is our tool to emphasize the notion of temporality and by that the necessity for new responsive systems which could increase the efficiency of daily energy production and consumption. 
What if edibles are actually designed by the immediate surrounding environment? 
The Permanently Temporary_edible experiment investigates the translation of constantly changing weather data into edible objects. By the use of sensors - placed in the urban environment - we can formulate an immediate data cloud which would be processed through a predefined algorithm chain to actuate the cooking process. 
Our aim is to produce a catalogue of tastes which represent the different states of produced energy in time and space. It does not only provide a new reading tool for changing weather conditions but also creates visual matrices specific to the sensed locations.

Planned sensing locations: Innsbruck, Vienna and Budapest

Matthew Tam
Viki Sandor

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