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VORBRENNER is a contemporary art platform that promotes process-oriented work across all disciplines and genres. It offers short-term opportunities for collaboration for both collectives and individual artists in search of new insights and contemporary forms of expression that engage with an interdisziplinary concept of art and science. The focus is on a movement that is curious, experimental, researching, and developing, that welcomes the unfinished, the paradoxical, and the fragmentary. For exploratory trials of such nature, VORBRENNER provides the BRUX premises along with infrastructure and financial resources.

"I am outside of it in the land of NOPE."
E. Jane


Born to Kill

Julian Angerer, Anna Heiss, Martin Fritz, Nora Pider

This performance piece explores the themes of gender and power through its engagement with firearms.

Nora Pider delivers a lecture on stage. She discusses Kali, Pachet, Anat, Hippolyte, Penthesilea, Artemis, Buffy, and Wonder Woman. They all share two things in common: they are women and carry weapons. Nora Pider also owns weapons. She inherited the rifles from her father. After years of them lying unused, Nora has spent the past few months learning how to use them. Throughout this process, Nora has contemplated several questions: What does it mean to carry a weapon? How does it affect my body? What narratives surround women who wield guns? Can I do this? Am I allowed to do this? Through her experience of learning to shoot and reflecting on well-known female gun carriers from film, literature, and mythology, she constructs a thought-provoking monologue that explores themes of intimacy, identity, violence, and, ultimately, the question of personal agency.

Julian Angerer
Anna Heiss
Martin Fritz

Martin Fritz, *1982, Autor, Performer & Literaturwissenschaftler, studierte Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft und Deutsche Philologie in Innsbruck, hört sich in seiner Freizeit gerne DJ Patex‘ Coverversion des Songs „I Wish I Was Him“ an. Dissertation zu Systemtheorie, Popkultur und Web 2.0 (2017). War Teil der 1. Innsbrucker Lesebühne „Text ohne Reiter“, ist Teil der Innsbrucker Lesebühne „FHK5K“. Ansonsten das Übliche: zahlreiche Veröffentlichungen in Zeitschriften und Anthologien sowie „intrinsische süßigkeiten“ (Lyrik, Berger Verlag, 2013), zahlreiche Stipendien, Preise und Auszeichnungen (zuletzt 2018 Literaturpreis der Universität Innsbruck), zahlreiche Postdramatische Arbeiten und Performances (zuletzt „HIDDEN TRACK“ 2017/08, „Born to Kill“ 2018, „Postmodern Talking“, 2018 „MERMAIDS“ 2019)
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Nora Pider

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