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VORBRENNER is a contemporary art platform that promotes process-oriented work across all disciplines and genres. It offers short-term opportunities for collaboration for both collectives and individual artists in search of new insights and contemporary forms of expression that engage with an interdisziplinary concept of art and science. The focus is on a movement that is curious, experimental, researching, and developing, that welcomes the unfinished, the paradoxical, and the fragmentary. For exploratory trials of such nature, VORBRENNER provides the BRUX premises along with infrastructure and financial resources.

"I am outside of it in the land of NOPE."
E. Jane


Hello Void!

The2vvo, Distant Realities
Performance, Video-Installation

      Throughout history, in the face of existential crises, humanity has repeatedly transformed its relationship with the environment by creating numerous meaning systems/systems of meaning based on supernatural beliefs. The term "culture" thus embodies manifestations of these transformations. In the face of impermanence and meaninglessness, humans have embraced and reinforced these abstract concepts by developing numerous rituals that we often take for granted in our daily lives.

      Hello Void! explores the role of ritual within today’s post-religious paradigm. A hybrid of sound, new media, and sculptural form, the project presents the collective concept of culture as a supernatural force. Hello Void! tells the story of the beliefs we construct to provide meaning to humanity as we confront our mortality.

      Eldar Tagi
      Lena Pozdnyakova
      Distant Realities
      Marine Lemarié
      Nicolas Stephan


      • Eröffnung
        The2vvo, Distant Realities
        Installation, Video-Installation
        BRUX / Freies Theater Innsbruck
      • Artist Talk
        The2vvo, Distant Realities
        Installation, Video-Installation, Artist Talk
        BRUX / Freies Theater Innsbruck
      • Performance
        The2vvo, Distant Realities
        BRUX / Freies Theater Innsbruck
      • Präsentation, Finissage
        The2vvo, Distant Realities
        Installation, Video-Installation
        BRUX / Freies Theater Innsbruck

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